
/Angular 2


Stable Function

Class Export

export Class(clsDef: ClassDefinition) : Type<any>

Provides a way for expressing ES6 classes with parameter annotations in ES5.

Basic Example

var Greeter = ng.Class({
  constructor: function(name) {
    this.name = name;

  greet: function() {
    alert('Hello ' + this.name + '!');

is equivalent to ES6:

class Greeter {
  constructor(name) {
    this.name = name;

  greet() {
    alert('Hello ' + this.name + '!');

or equivalent to ES5:

var Greeter = function (name) {
  this.name = name;

Greeter.prototype.greet = function () {
  alert('Hello ' + this.name + '!');

Example with parameter annotations

var MyService = ng.Class({
  constructor: [String, [new Optional(), Service], function(name, myService) {

is equivalent to ES6:

class MyService {
  constructor(name: string, @Optional() myService: Service) {

Example with inheritance

var Shape = ng.Class({
  constructor: (color) {
    this.color = color;

var Square = ng.Class({
  extends: Shape,
  constructor: function(color, size) {
    Shape.call(this, color);
    this.size = size;

exported from @angular/core/index defined in @angular/core/src/util/decorators.ts

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