

Ansible 2.4 Porting Guide

This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.3 and Ansible 2.4.

It is intended to assist in updating your playbooks, plugins and other parts of your Ansible infrastructure so they will work with this version of Ansible.

We suggest you read this page along with Ansible Changelog to understand what updates you may need to make.

This document is part of a collection on porting. The complete list of porting guides can be found at porting guides.

Python version

Ansible will not support Python 2.4 nor 2.5 on the target hosts anymore. Going forward, Python 2.6+ will be required on targets, as already is the case on the controller.


Specifying Inventory sources

Use of --inventory-file on the command line is now deprecated. Use --inventory or -i. The associated ini configuration key, hostfile, and environment variable, ANSIBLE_HOSTS, are also deprecated. Replace them with the configuration key inventory and environment variable :envvar: ANSIBLE_INVENTORY.

Use of multiple tags

Specifying --tags (or --skip-tags) multiple times on the command line currently leads to the last one overriding all the previous ones. This behavior is deprecated. In the future, if you specify –tags multiple times the tags will be merged together. From now on, using --tags multiple times on one command line will emit a deprecation warning. Setting the merge_multiple_cli_tags option to True in the ansible.cfg file will enable the new behavior.

In 2.4, the default has change to merge the tags. You can enable the old overwriting behavior via the config option.

In 2.5, multiple --tags options will be merged with no way to go back to the old behavior.

Other caveats

No major changes in this version.


Major changes in popular modules are detailed here

  • The win_shell and win_command modules now properly preserve quoted arguments in the command-line. Tasks that attempted to work around the issue by adding extra quotes/escaping may need to be reworked to remove the superfluous escaping. See Issue 23019 for additional detail.

Modules removed

The following modules no longer exist:

  • None

Deprecation notices

The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.8. Please update update your playbooks accordingly.

Noteworthy module changes

  • The win_get_url module has the dictionary win_get_url in its results deprecated, its content is now also available directly in the resulting output, like other modules. This dictionary will be removed in Ansible 2.8.
  • The win_unzip module no longer includes the dictionary win_unzip in its results; the contents are now included directly in the resulting output, like other modules.
  • The win_package module return values exit_code and restart_required have been deprecated in favour of rc and reboot_required respectively. The deprecated return values will be removed in Ansible 2.6.


A new way to configure and document plugins has been introduced. This does not require changes to existing setups but developers should start adapting to the new infrastructure now. More details will be available in the developer documentation for each plugin type.

Vars plugin changes

There have been many changes to the implementation of vars plugins, but both users and developers should not need to change anything to keep current setups working. Developers should consider changing their plugins take advantage of new features.

The most notable difference to users is that vars plugins now get invoked on demand instead of at inventory build time. This should make them more efficient for large inventories, especially when using a subset of the hosts.

Inventory plugins

Developers should start migrating from hardcoded inventory with dynamic inventory scripts to the new Inventory Plugins. The scripts will still work via the script inventory plugin but Ansible development efforts will now concentrate on writing plugins rather than enhancing existing scripts.

Both users and developers should look into the new plugins because they are intended to alleviate the need for many of the hacks and workarounds found in the dynamic inventory scripts.


There have been a number of changes to how Networking Modules operate.

Playbooks should still use connection: local.

Persistent Connection

The configuration variables connection_retries and connect_interval which were added in Ansible 2.3 are now deprecated. For Ansible 2.4 and later use connection_retry_timeout.

To control timeouts use command_timeout rather than the previous top level timeout variable under [default]

See Ansible Network debug guide for more information.

Configuration API

The configuration system has had some major changes, but users should be unaffected. Developers that were working directly with the previous API should revisit their usage as some methods (for example, get_config) were kept for backwards compatibility but will warn users that the function has been deprecated.

The new configuration has been designed to minimize the need for code changes in core for new plugins. The plugins just need to document their settings and the configuration system will use the documentation to provide what they need. This is still a work in progress; currently only ‘callback’ and ‘connection’ plugins support this. More details will be added to the specific plugin developer guides.

© 2012–2017 Michael DeHaan
© 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.