

Using the compiler

Once you install the compiler you will have a crystal binary at your disposal.

In the next sections a dollar sign ($) denotes the command line.

Compiling and running at once

To compile and run a program in a single shot you can invoke crystal with a single filename:

$ crystal some_program.cr

Crystal files end with the .cr extension.

Alternatively you can use the run command:

$ crystal run some_program.cr

Creating an executable

To create an executable use the build command:

$ crystal build some_program.cr

This will create a some_program file that you can execute:

$ ./some_program

Note: By default the generated executables are not fully optimized. To turn optimizations on, use the --release flag:

$ crystal build some_program.cr --release

Make sure to always use --release for production-ready executables and when performing benchmarks.

The reason for this is that performance without full optimizations is still pretty good and provides fast compile times, so you can use the crystal command almost as if it were an interpreter.

Creating a project or library

Use the init command to create a Crystal project with the standard directory structure.

$ crystal init lib my_cool_lib
      create  my_cool_lib/.gitignore
      create  my_cool_lib/LICENSE
      create  my_cool_lib/README.md
      create  my_cool_lib/.travis.yml
      create  my_cool_lib/shard.yml
      create  my_cool_lib/src/my_cool_lib.cr
      create  my_cool_lib/src/my_cool_lib/version.cr
      create  my_cool_lib/spec/spec_helper.cr
      create  my_cool_lib/spec/my_cool_lib_spec.cr
Initialized empty Git repository in ~/my_cool_lib/.git/

Other commands and options

To see the full set of commands, invoke crystal without arguments.

$ crystal
Usage: crystal [command] [switches] [program file] [--] [arguments]

    init                     generate a new project
    build                    build an executable
    deps                     install project dependencies
    docs                     generate documentation
    env                      print Crystal environment information
    eval                     eval code from args or standard input
    play                     starts crystal playground server
    run (default)            compile and run program
    spec                     compile and run specs (in spec directory)
    tool                     run a tool
    help, --help, -h         show this help
    version, --version, -v   show version

To see the available options for a particular command, use --help after a command:

$ crystal build --help
Usage: crystal build [options] [programfile] [--] [arguments]

    --cross-compile                  cross-compile
    -d, --debug                      Add symbolic debug info
    -D FLAG, --define FLAG           Define a compile-time flag
    --emit [asm|llvm-bc|llvm-ir|obj] Comma separated list of types of output for the compiler to emit
    -f text|json, --format text|json Output format text (default) or json
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    --ll                             Dump ll to .crystal directory
    --link-flags FLAGS               Additional flags to pass to the linker
    --mcpu CPU                       Target specific cpu type
    --no-color                       Disable colored output
    --no-codegen                     Don't do code generation
    -o                               Output filename
    --prelude                        Use given file as prelude
    --release                        Compile in release mode
    -s, --stats                      Enable statistics output
    --single-module                  Generate a single LLVM module
    --threads                        Maximum number of threads to use
    --target TRIPLE                  Target triple
    --verbose                        Display executed commands

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