


D header file for C99.

This module contains bindings to selected types and functions from the standard C header <stdio.h>. Note that this is not automatically generated, and may omit some types/functions from the original C header.

Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)
Sean Kelly, Alex Rønne Petersen
ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)

Offset is relative to the beginning


Offset is relative to the current position


Offset is relative to the end

struct fpos_t
struct _IO_FILE
alias _iobuf = _IO_FILE
alias FILE = _IO_FILE
shared FILE* stdin
shared FILE* stdout
shared FILE* stderr
nothrow @nogc @system int remove(scope const char* filename)
nothrow @nogc @system int rename(scope const char* from, scope const char* to)
nothrow @nogc @trusted FILE* tmpfile()
nothrow @nogc @system char* tmpnam(char* s)
nothrow @nogc @system int fclose(FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fflush(FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system FILE* fopen(scope const char* filename, scope const char* mode)
nothrow @nogc @system FILE* freopen(scope const char* filename, scope const char* mode, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system void setbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf)
nothrow @nogc @system int setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buf, int mode, size_t size)
nothrow @nogc @system int fprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @system int fscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @system int sprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @system int sscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @system int vfprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system int vfscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system int vsprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system int vsscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system int vprintf(scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system int vscanf(scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system int printf(scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @system int scanf(scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fgetc(FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fputc(int c, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system char* fgets(char* s, int n, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system int fputs(scope const char* s, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system char* gets(char* s)
nothrow @nogc @system int puts(scope const char* s)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int getchar()
nothrow @nogc @trusted int putchar(int c)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int getc(FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int putc(int c, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int ungetc(int c, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system size_t fread(scope void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @system size_t fwrite(scope const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fgetpos(FILE* stream, scope fpos_t* pos)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fsetpos(FILE* stream, scope const fpos_t* pos)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fseek(FILE* stream, c_long offset, int whence)
nothrow @nogc @trusted c_long ftell(FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted void rewind(FILE* stream)
pure nothrow @nogc @trusted void clearerr(FILE* stream)
pure nothrow @nogc @trusted int feof(FILE* stream)
pure nothrow @nogc @trusted int ferror(FILE* stream)
nothrow @nogc @trusted int fileno(FILE*)
nothrow @nogc @system int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, ...)
nothrow @nogc @system int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg)
nothrow @nogc @system void perror(scope const char* s)

© 1999–2017 The D Language Foundation
Licensed under the Boost License 1.0.