Easing is a method of distorting time to control apparent motion in animation. It is most commonly used for slow-in, slow-out. By easing time, animated transitions are smoother and exhibit more plausible motion.
The easing types in this module implement the ease method, which takes a normalized time t and returns the corresponding “eased” time tʹ. Both the normalized time and the eased time are typically in the range [0,1], where 0 represents the start of the animation and 1 represents the end; some easing types, such as elastic, may return eased times slightly outside this range. A good easing type should return 0 if t = 0 and 1 if t = 1. See the easing explorer for a visual demonstration.
These easing types are largely based on work by Robert Penner.
If you use NPM, npm install d3-ease
. Otherwise, download the latest release. You can also load directly from d3js.org, either as a standalone library or as part of D3 4.0. AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. In vanilla, a d3
global is exported:
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-ease.v1.min.js"></script> <script> var ease = d3.easeCubic; </script>
Given the specified normalized time t, typically in the range [0,1], returns the “eased” time tʹ, also typically in [0,1]. 0 represents the start of the animation and 1 represents the end. A good implementation returns 0 if t = 0 and 1 if t = 1. See the easing explorer for a visual demonstration. For example, to apply cubic easing:
var te = d3.easeCubic(t);
Similarly, to apply custom elastic easing:
// Before the animation starts, create your easing function. var customElastic = d3.easeElastic.period(0.4); // During the animation, apply the easing function. var te = customElastic(t);
Linear easing; the identity function; linear(t) returns t.
Polynomial easing; raises t to the specified exponent. If the exponent is not specified, it defaults to 3, equivalent to cubicIn.
Reverse polynomial easing; equivalent to 1 - polyIn(1 - t). If the exponent is not specified, it defaults to 3, equivalent to cubicOut.
Symmetric polynomial easing; scales polyIn for t in [0, 0.5] and polyOut for t in [0.5, 1]. If the exponent is not specified, it defaults to 3, equivalent to cubic.
Returns a new polynomial easing with the specified exponent e. For example, to create equivalents of linear, quad, and cubic:
var linear = d3.easePoly.exponent(1), quad = d3.easePoly.exponent(2), cubic = d3.easePoly.exponent(3);
Quadratic easing; equivalent to polyIn.exponent(2).
Reverse quadratic easing; equivalent to 1 - quadIn(1 - t). Also equivalent to polyOut.exponent(2).
Symmetric quadratic easing; scales quadIn for t in [0, 0.5] and quadOut for t in [0.5, 1]. Also equivalent to poly.exponent(2).
Cubic easing; equivalent to polyIn.exponent(3).
Reverse cubic easing; equivalent to 1 - cubicIn(1 - t). Also equivalent to polyOut.exponent(3).
Symmetric cubic easing; scales cubicIn for t in [0, 0.5] and cubicOut for t in [0.5, 1]. Also equivalent to poly.exponent(3).
Sinusoidal easing; returns sin(t).
Reverse sinusoidal easing; equivalent to 1 - sinIn(1 - t).
Symmetric sinusoidal easing; scales sinIn for t in [0, 0.5] and sinOut for t in [0.5, 1].
Exponential easing; raises 2 to the exponent 10 * (t - 1).
Reverse exponential easing; equivalent to 1 - expIn(1 - t).
Symmetric exponential easing; scales expIn for t in [0, 0.5] and expOut for t in [0.5, 1].
Circular easing.
Reverse circular easing; equivalent to 1 - circleIn(1 - t).
Symmetric circular easing; scales circleIn for t in [0, 0.5] and circleOut for t in [0.5, 1].
Elastic easing, like a rubber band. The amplitude and period of the oscillation are configurable; if not specified, they default to 1 and 0.3, respectively.
Reverse elastic easing; equivalent to 1 - elasticIn(1 - t).
Symmetric elastic easing; scales elasticIn for t in [0, 0.5] and elasticOut for t in [0.5, 1].
Returns a new elastic easing with the specified amplitude a.
Returns a new elastic easing with the specified period p.
Anticipatory easing, like a dancer bending his knees before jumping off the floor. The degree of overshoot is configurable; it not specified, it defaults to 1.70158.
Reverse anticipatory easing; equivalent to 1 - backIn(1 - t).
Symmetric anticipatory easing; scales backIn for t in [0, 0.5] and backOut for t in [0.5, 1].
Returns a new back easing with the specified overshoot s.
Bounce easing, like a rubber ball.
Reverse bounce easing; equivalent to 1 - bounceIn(1 - t).
Symmetric bounce easing; scales bounceIn for t in [0, 0.5] and bounceOut for t in [0.5, 1].
© 2010–2017 Michael Bostock
Licensed under the BSD License.