The DOMTokenList.add()
method adds one or more DOMString
to the list.
tokenList.add(token, token2, tokenn);
let node = document.createElement("div"); node.classList.add("class1"); node.classList.add("class2"); node.classList.add("class3"); // or with mutliple arguments node.classList.add("class1", "class2", "class3"); // or with spread syntax let classList = ["class1", "class2", "class3"]; node.classList.add(...classList); for(let value of node.classList.values()) { console.log(value); }
The result is:
class1 class2 class3
Specification | Status | Comment |
DOM The definition of 'add()' in that specification. | Living Standard | Initial definition |
Feature | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic support | (Yes) | (Yes) | Windows 10, IE 11.608.15063 | ? | ? |
Feature | Android | Android Webview | Firefox Mobile (Gecko) | IE Mobile | Opera Mobile | Safari for iOS | Chrome for Andorid | Chrome for iOS |
Basic support | ? | (Yes) | (Yes) | ? | ? | iOS 10.3.3, Safari 10.0, AppleWebkit 603.3.8 - Yes | ? | iOS 10.3.3, Chrome 61.0.3163.73 - Yes |
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