


This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The PerformancePaintTiming interface of the Paint Timing provides provides timing information about "paint" (also called "render") operations during web page construction. "Paint" refers to conversion of the render tree to on-screen pixels.

An application can register a PerformanceObserver for "paint" performance entry types and the observer can retrieve the times that paint events occurr. Use this information to help identify areas that take too long to provide a good user experience.


This interface has no properties but it extends the following PerformanceEntry properties (for "paint" performance entry types) by qualifying and constraining the properties as follows:

Returns "paint".
Returns either "first-paint" or "first-contentful-paint".
Returns the timestamp when the paint ocurred.
Returns 0.


This interface has no methods.


function showPaintTimings() {
  if (window.performance) {
    let performance = window.performance;
    let performanceEntries = performance.getEntriesByType('paint');
    performanceEntries.forEach( (performanceEntry, i, entries) => {
      console.log("The time to " + performanceEntry.name + " was " + performanceEntry.startTime + " milliseconds.");
  } else {
    console.log('Performance timing isn\'t supported.');

The code above produces console output something like the following:

The time to first-paint was 2785.915 milliseconds.
The time to first-contentful-paint was 2787.460 milliseconds.


Specification Status Comment
Paint Timing
The definition of 'PerformancePaintTiming' in that specification.
Editor's Draft Initial definition.

Browser Compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 60 ? ? 47 ?
Feature Android Webview Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Firefox OS IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support 60 60 ? ? ? 47 ?

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