interface Iterator<out T>
An iterator over a collection or another entity that can be represented as a sequence of elements. Allows to sequentially access the elements.
abstract operator fun hasNext(): Boolean Returns | |
abstract operator fun next(): T Returns the next element in the iteration. |
fun <T> Iterator<T>.asSequence(): Sequence<T> Creates a sequence that returns all elements from this iterator. The sequence is constrained to be iterated only once. | |
fun <T> Iterator<T>.forEach(operation: (T) -> Unit) Performs the given operation on each element of this Iterator. | |
operator fun <T> Iterator<T>.iterator(): Iterator<T> Returns the given iterator itself. This allows to use an instance of iterator in a | |
fun <T> Iterator<T>.withIndex(): Iterator<IndexedValue<T>> Returns an Iterator wrapping each value produced by this Iterator with the IndexedValue, containing value and it's index. |
abstract class AbstractIterator<T> : Iterator<T> A base class to simplify implementing iterators so that implementations only have to implement computeNext to implement the iterator, calling done when the iteration is complete. | |
abstract class BooleanIterator : Iterator<Boolean> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
abstract class ByteIterator : Iterator<Byte> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
abstract class CharIterator : Iterator<Char> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
abstract class DoubleIterator : Iterator<Double> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
abstract class FloatIterator : Iterator<Float> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
abstract class IntIterator : Iterator<Int> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
interface ListIterator<out T> : Iterator<T> An iterator over a collection that supports indexed access. | |
abstract class LongIterator : Iterator<Long> An iterator over a sequence of values of type | |
interface MutableIterator<out T> : Iterator<T> An iterator over a mutable collection. Provides the ability to remove elements while iterating. | |
abstract class ShortIterator : Iterator<Short> An iterator over a sequence of values of type |
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