Available since LÖVE 0.8.0 and removed in LÖVE 0.10.0
It has been replaced by love.graphics.stencil and love.graphics.setStencilTest.
Defines or releases a stencil for the drawing operations.
The passed function draws to the stencil instead of the screen, creating an image with transparent and opaque pixels. While active, it is used to test where pixels will be drawn or discarded. Image contents do not directly affect the stencil, but see below for a workaround.
Calling the function without arguments releases the active stencil.
love.graphics.setStencil( stencilFunction )
function stencilFunction
Releases the active stencil.
love.graphics.setStencil( )
myStencilFunction = function() love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 225, 200, 350, 300) end love.graphics.setStencil(myStencilFunction) love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 120) love.graphics.circle("fill", 300, 300, 150, 50) love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0, 120) love.graphics.circle("fill", 500, 300, 150, 50) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 255, 120) love.graphics.circle("fill", 400, 400, 150, 50)
myStencilFunction = function() love.graphics.circle("fill", 400, 300, 50) end love.graphics.setInvertedStencil(myStencilFunction) love.graphics.circle("fill", 400, 300, 150)
myStencilFunction = function() love.graphics.circle("fill", 400, 300, 60, 25) end love.graphics.setStencil(myStencilFunction) love.graphics.setColor(155, 0, 128) love.graphics.polygon("fill", 400, 200, 486, 350, 314, 350) love.graphics.setInvertedStencil(myStencilFunction) love.graphics.setColor(144, 214, 128) love.graphics.polygon("fill", 400, 200, 486, 350, 314, 350)
-- a black/white mask image: black pixels will mask, white pixels will pass. local mask = love.graphics.newImage("mymask.png") local mask_effect = love.graphics.newShader[[ vec4 effect (vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords) { if (Texel(texture, texture_coords).rgb == vec3(0.0)) { // a discarded pixel wont be applied as the stencil. discard; } return vec4(1.0); } ]] function myStencilFunction() love.graphics.setShader(mask_effect) love.graphics.draw(mask, 0, 0) love.graphics.setShader() end love.graphics.setStencil(myStencilFunction) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, 256, 256) love.graphics.setStencil()
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