Available since LÖVE 0.8.0
This method is not supported in earlier versions.
Casts a ray and calls a function for each fixtures it intersects.
World:rayCast( x1, y1, x2, y2, callback )
number x1
number y1
number x2
number y2
function callback
control = callback( fixture, x, y, xn, yn, fraction )
Fixture fixture
number x
number y
number xn
number yn
number fraction
number control
There is a bug in LÖVE 0.8.0 where the normal vector passed to the callback function gets scaled by love.physics.getMeter.
function worldRayCastCallback(fixture, x, y, xn, yn, fraction) local hit = {} hit.fixture = fixture hit.x, hit.y = x, y hit.xn, hit.yn = xn, yn hit.fraction = fraction table.insert(Ray.hitList, hit) return 1 -- Continues with ray cast through all shapes. end function createStuff() -- Cleaning up the previous stuff. for i = #Terrain.Stuff, 1, -1 do Terrain.Stuff[i].Fixture:destroy() Terrain.Stuff[i] = nil end -- Generates some random shapes. for i = 1, 30 do local p = {} p.x, p.y = math.random(100, 700), math.random(100, 500) local shapetype = math.random(3) if shapetype == 1 then local w, h, r = math.random() * 10 + 40, math.random() * 10 + 40, math.random() * math.pi * 2 p.Shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(p.x, p.y, w, h, r) elseif shapetype == 2 then local a = math.random() * math.pi * 2 local x2, y2 = p.x + math.cos(a) * (math.random() * 30 + 20), p.y + math.sin(a) * (math.random() * 30 + 20) p.Shape = love.physics.newEdgeShape(p.x, p.y, x2, y2) else local r = math.random() * 40 + 10 p.Shape = love.physics.newCircleShape(p.x, p.y, r) end p.Fixture = love.physics.newFixture(Terrain.Body, p.Shape) Terrain.Stuff[i] = p end end function love.keypressed() createStuff() end function love.load() -- Setting this to 1 to avoid all current scaling bugs. love.physics.setMeter(1) -- Start out with the same random stuff each start. math.randomseed(0xfacef00d) World = love.physics.newWorld() Terrain = {} Terrain.Body = love.physics.newBody(World, 0, 0, "static") Terrain.Stuff = {} createStuff() Ray = { x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, hitList = {} } end function love.update(dt) local now = love.timer.getTime() World:update(dt) -- Clear fixture hit list. Ray.hitList = {} -- Calculate ray position. local pos = (math.sin(now/4) + 1.2) * 0.4 Ray.x2, Ray.y2 = math.cos(pos * (math.pi/2)) * 1000, math.sin(pos * (math.pi/2)) * 1000 -- Cast the ray and populate the hitList table. World:rayCast(Ray.x1, Ray.y1, Ray.x2, Ray.y2, worldRayCastCallback) end function love.draw() -- Drawing the terrain. love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) for i, v in ipairs(Terrain.Stuff) do if v.Shape:getType() == "polygon" then love.graphics.polygon("line", Terrain.Body:getWorldPoints( v.Shape:getPoints() )) elseif v.Shape:getType() == "edge" then love.graphics.line(Terrain.Body:getWorldPoints( v.Shape:getPoints() )) else local x, y = Terrain.Body:getWorldPoints(v.x, v.y) love.graphics.circle("line", x, y, v.Shape:getRadius()) end end -- Drawing the ray. love.graphics.setLineWidth(3) love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 100) love.graphics.line(Ray.x1, Ray.y1, Ray.x2, Ray.y2) love.graphics.setLineWidth(1) -- Drawing the intersection points and normal vectors if there were any. for i, hit in ipairs(Ray.hitList) do love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print(i, hit.x, hit.y) -- Prints the hit order besides the point. love.graphics.circle("line", hit.x, hit.y, 3) love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.line(hit.x, hit.y, hit.x + hit.xn * 25, hit.y + hit.yn * 25) end end
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