

Module nre

What is NRE?

A regular expression library for Nim using PCRE to do the hard work.

Note: If you love sequtils.toSeq we have bad news for you. This library doesn't work with it due to documented compiler limitations. As a workaround, use this:

import nre except toSeq


PCRE has some additional terms that you must agree to in order to use this module.


import nre

let vowels = re"[aeoui]"

for match in "moigagoo".findIter(vowels):
  echo match.matchBounds
# (a: 1, b: 1)
# (a: 2, b: 2)
# (a: 4, b: 4)
# (a: 6, b: 6)
# (a: 7, b: 7)

let firstVowel = "foo".find(vowels)
let hasVowel = firstVowel.isSome()
if hasVowel:
  let matchBounds = firstVowel.get().captureBounds[-1]
  echo "first vowel @", matchBounds.get().a
  # first vowel @1


pcre, nre/private/util, tables, strutils, math, options, unicode


Regex = ref object
  pattern*: string             ## not nil
  pcreObj: ptr pcre.Pcre        ## not nil
  pcreExtra: ptr pcre.ExtraData ## nil
  captureNameToId: Table[string, int]
Represents the pattern that things are matched against, constructed with re(string). Examples: re"foo", re(r"(*ANYCRLF)(?x)foo # comment".
pattern: string
the string that was used to create the pattern.
captureCount: int
the number of captures that the pattern has.
captureNameId: Table[string, int]
a table from the capture names to their numeric id.


The following options may appear anywhere in the pattern, and they affect the rest of it.

  • (?i) - case insensitive
  • (?m) - multi-line: ^ and $ match the beginning and end of lines, not of the subject string
  • (?s) - . also matches newline (dotall)
  • (?U) - expressions are not greedy by default. ? can be added to a qualifier to make it greedy
  • (?x) - whitespace and comments (#) are ignored (extended)
  • (?X) - character escapes without special meaning (\w vs. \a) are errors (extra)

One or a combination of these options may appear only at the beginning of the pattern:

  • (*UTF8) - treat both the pattern and subject as UTF-8
  • (*UCP) - Unicode character properties; \w matches я
  • (*U) - a combination of the two options above
  • (*FIRSTLINE*) - fails if there is not a match on the first line
  • (*NO_AUTO_CAPTURE) - turn off auto-capture for groups; (?<name>...) can be used to capture
  • (*CR) - newlines are separated by \r
  • (*LF) - newlines are separated by \n (UNIX default)
  • (*CRLF) - newlines are separated by \r\n (Windows default)
  • (*ANYCRLF) - newlines are separated by any of the above
  • (*ANY) - newlines are separated by any of the above and Unicode newlines:

    single characters VT (vertical tab, U+000B), FF (form feed, U+000C), NEL (next line, U+0085), LS (line separator, U+2028), and PS (paragraph separator, U+2029). For the 8-bit library, the last two are recognized only in UTF-8 mode. — man pcre

  • (*JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT) - JavaScript compatibility
  • (*NO_STUDY) - turn off studying; study is enabled by default

For more details on the leading option groups, see the Option Setting and the Newline Convention sections of the PCRE syntax manual.

RegexMatch = object
  pattern*: Regex              ## The regex doing the matching.
                ## Not nil.
  str*: string                 ## The string that was matched against.
             ## Not nil.
  pcreMatchBounds: seq[Slice[cint]] ## First item is the bounds of the match
                                  ## Other items are the captures
                                  ## `a` is inclusive start, `b` is exclusive end
Usually seen as Option[RegexMatch], it represents the result of an execution. On failure, it is none, on success, it is some.
pattern: Regex
the pattern that is being matched
str: string
the string that was matched against
captures[]: string
the string value of whatever was captured at that id. If the value is invalid, then behavior is undefined. If the id is -1, then the whole match is returned. If the given capture was not matched, nil is returned.
  • "abc".match(re"(\w)").captures[0] == "a"
  • "abc".match(re"(?<letter>\w)").captures["letter"] == "a"
  • "abc".match(re"(\w)\w").captures[-1] == "ab"
captureBounds[]: Option[Slice[int]]
gets the bounds of the given capture according to the same rules as the above. If the capture is not filled, then None is returned. The bounds are both inclusive.
  • "abc".match(re"(\w)").captureBounds[0] == 0 .. 0
  • "abc".match(re"").captureBounds[-1] == 0 .. -1
  • "abc".match(re"abc").captureBounds[-1] == 0 .. 2
match: string
the full text of the match.
matchBounds: Slice[int]
the bounds of the match, as in captureBounds[]
returns a table with each named capture as a key.
returns all the captures by their number.
$: string
same as match
Captures = distinct RegexMatch
CaptureBounds = distinct RegexMatch
RegexError = ref object of Exception
RegexInternalError = ref object of RegexError
Internal error in the module, this probably means that there is a bug
InvalidUnicodeError = ref object of RegexError
  pos*: int                    ## the location of the invalid unicode in bytes
Thrown when matching fails due to invalid unicode in strings
SyntaxError = ref object of RegexError
  pos*: int                    ## the location of the syntax error in bytes
  pattern*: string             ## the pattern that caused the problem
Thrown when there is a syntax error in the regular expression string passed in
StudyError = ref object of RegexError
Thrown when studying the regular expression failes for whatever reason. The message contains the error code.


proc captureCount(pattern: Regex): int {.raises: [FieldError, ValueError], tags: [].}
proc captureNameId(pattern: Regex): Table[string, int] {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc captureBounds(pattern: RegexMatch): CaptureBounds {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc captures(pattern: RegexMatch): Captures {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc `[]`(pattern: CaptureBounds; i: int): Option[Slice[int]] {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc `[]`(pattern: Captures; i: int): string {.raises: [UnpackError], tags: [].}
proc match(pattern: RegexMatch): string {.raises: [UnpackError], tags: [].}
proc matchBounds(pattern: RegexMatch): Slice[int] {.raises: [UnpackError], tags: [].}
proc `[]`(pattern: CaptureBounds; name: string): Option[Slice[int]] {.
    raises: [KeyError], tags: [].}
proc `[]`(pattern: Captures; name: string): string {.raises: [UnpackError, KeyError],
    tags: [].}
proc toTable(pattern: Captures; default: string = nil): Table[string, string] {.
    raises: [UnpackError, KeyError], tags: [].}
proc toTable(pattern: CaptureBounds; default = none(Slice[int])): Table[string,
    Option[Slice[int]]] {.raises: [KeyError], tags: [].}
proc toSeq(pattern: CaptureBounds; default = none(Slice[int])): seq[Option[Slice[int]]] {.
    raises: [FieldError, ValueError], tags: [].}
proc toSeq(pattern: Captures; default: string = nil): seq[string] {.
    raises: [FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError], tags: [].}
proc `$`(pattern: RegexMatch): string {.raises: [UnpackError], tags: [].}
proc `==`(a, b: Regex): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc `==`(a, b: RegexMatch): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
proc re(pattern: string): Regex {.raises: [KeyError, SyntaxError, StudyError,
                                      FieldError, ValueError], tags: [].}
proc match(str: string; pattern: Regex; start = 0; endpos = int.high): Option[RegexMatch] {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}
Like ```find(...)`` <#proc-find>`_, but anchored to the start of the string. This means that "foo".match(re"f") == true, but "foo".match(re"o") == false.
proc find(str: string; pattern: Regex; start = 0; endpos = int.high): Option[RegexMatch] {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}
Finds the given pattern in the string between the end and start positions.
The start point at which to start matching. |abc is 0; a|bc is 1
The maximum index for a match; int.high means the end of the string, otherwise it’s an inclusive upper bound.
proc findAll(str: string; pattern: Regex; start = 0; endpos = int.high): seq[string] {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}
proc contains(str: string; pattern: Regex; start = 0; endpos = int.high): bool {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}
Determine if the string contains the given pattern between the end and start positions:
  • "abc".contains(re"bc") == true
  • "abc".contains(re"cd") == false
  • "abc".contains(re"a", start = 1) == false

Same as isSome(str.find(pattern, start, endpos)).

proc split(str: string; pattern: Regex; maxSplit = - 1; start = 0): seq[string] {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}
Splits the string with the given regex. This works according to the rules that Perl and Javascript use:
  • If the match is zero-width, then the string is still split: "123".split(r"") == @["1", "2", "3"].
  • If the pattern has a capture in it, it is added after the string split: "12".split(re"(\d)") == @["", "1", "", "2", ""].
  • If maxsplit != -1, then the string will only be split maxsplit - 1 times. This means that there will be maxsplit strings in the output seq. "1.2.3".split(re"\.", maxsplit = 2) == @["1", "2.3"]

start behaves the same as in ```find(...)`` <#proc-find>`_.

proc replace(str: string; pattern: Regex; subproc: proc (match: RegexMatch): string): string {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}

Replaces each match of Regex in the string with sub, which should never be or return nil.

If sub is a proc (RegexMatch): string, then it is executed with each match and the return value is the replacement value.

If sub is a proc (string): string, then it is executed with the full text of the match and and the return value is the replacement value.

If sub is a string, the syntax is as follows:

  • $$ - literal $
  • $123 - capture number 123
  • $foo - named capture foo
  • ${foo} - same as above
  • $1$# - first and second captures
  • $# - first capture
  • $0 - full match

If a given capture is missing, a ValueError exception is thrown.

proc replace(str: string; pattern: Regex; subproc: proc (match: string): string): string {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}
proc replace(str: string; pattern: Regex; sub: string): string {.raises: [FieldError,
    ValueError, UnpackError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError, KeyError, Exception], tags: [].}
proc escapeRe(str: string): string {.raises: [FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError,
    AssertionError, AccessViolationError, RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError,
    KeyError, Exception], tags: [].}
Escapes the string so it doesn’t match any special characters. Incompatible with the Extra flag (X).


iterator items(pattern: CaptureBounds; default = none(Slice[int])): Option[Slice[int]] {.
    raises: [FieldError, ValueError], tags: [].}
iterator items(pattern: Captures; default: string = nil): string {.
    raises: [FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError], tags: [].}
iterator findIter(str: string; pattern: Regex; start = 0; endpos = int.high): RegexMatch {.raises: [
    FieldError, ValueError, UnpackError, AssertionError, AccessViolationError,
    RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError], tags: [].}

Works the same as ```find(...)`` <#proc-find>`_, but finds every non-overlapping match. "2222".find(re"22") is "22", "22", not "22", "22", "22".

Arguments are the same as ```find(...)`` <#proc-find>`_


  • proc findAll(...) returns a seq[string]

© 2006–2017 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.