

Module scgi

This module implements helper procs for SCGI applications. Example:

import strtabs, sockets, scgi

var counter = 0
proc handleRequest(client: Socket, input: string,
                   headers: StringTableRef): bool {.procvar.} =
  client.send("Hello for the $#th time." % $counter & "\c\L")
  return false # do not stop processing


Warning: The API of this module is unstable, and therefore is subject to change.

Warning: This module only supports the old asynchronous interface. You may wish to use the asynchttpserver instead for web applications.


sockets, strutils, os, strtabs, asyncio


ScgiError = object of IOError
the exception that is raised, if a SCGI error occurs
ScgiState = object of RootObj
  server: Socket
  bufLen: int
  client*: Socket              ## the client socket to send data to
  headers*: StringTableRef     ## the parsed headers
  input*: string               ## the input buffer
SCGI state object
AsyncScgiState = ref AsyncScgiStateObj


proc raiseScgiError(msg: string) {.noreturn, raises: [ScgiError], tags: [].}
raises an ScgiError exception with message msg.
proc open(s: var ScgiState; port = Port(4000); address = ""; reuseAddr = false) {.
    raises: [OSError, ScgiError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect].}
opens a connection.
proc close(s: var ScgiState) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
closes the connection.
proc next(s: var ScgiState; timeout: int = - 1): bool {.
    raises: [OSError, ScgiError, OverflowError, ValueError], tags: [ReadIOEffect].}
proceed to the first/next request. Waits timeout milliseconds for a request, if timeout is -1 then this function will never time out. Returns true if a new request has been processed.
proc writeStatusOkTextContent(c: Socket; contentType = "text/html") {.
    raises: [ValueError, OSError], tags: [WriteIOEffect].}

sends the following string to the socket c:

Status: 200 OK\r\LContent-Type: text/html\r\L\r\L

You should send this before sending your HTML page, for example.

proc run(handleRequest: proc (client: Socket; input: string; headers: StringTableRef): bool {.
    nimcall, gcsafe.}; port = Port(4000)) {.raises: [OSError, ScgiError, OverflowError,
    ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect].}
encapsulates the SCGI object and main loop.
proc open(handleRequest: proc (client: AsyncSocket; input: string;
                            headers: StringTableRef) {.closure, gcsafe.};
         port = Port(4000); address = ""; reuseAddr = false): AsyncScgiState {.
    raises: [OSError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect].}

Creates an AsyncScgiState object which serves as a SCGI server.

After the execution of handleRequest the client socket will be closed automatically unless it has already been closed.

proc register(d: Dispatcher; s: AsyncScgiState): Delegate {.discardable, raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Registers s with dispatcher d.
proc close(s: AsyncScgiState) {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Closes the AsyncScgiState.

© 2006–2017 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.