

Module times

This module contains routines and types for dealing with time. This module is available for the JavaScript target.


import times, os
  t = cpuTime()

sleep(100)   # replace this with something to be timed
echo "Time taken: ",cpuTime() - t

echo "My formatted time: ", format(getLocalTime(getTime()), "d MMMM yyyy HH:mm")
echo "Using predefined formats: ", getClockStr(), " ", getDateStr()

echo "epochTime() float value: ", epochTime()
echo "getTime()   float value: ", toSeconds(getTime())
echo "cpuTime()   float value: ", cpuTime()
echo "An hour from now      : ", getLocalTime(getTime()) + 1.hours
echo "An hour from (UTC) now: ", getGmTime(getTime()) + initInterval(0,0,0,1)


strutils, parseutils, winlean


Month = enum
  mJan, mFeb, mMar, mApr, mMay, mJun, mJul, mAug, mSep, mOct, mNov, mDec
represents a month
WeekDay = enum
  dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat, dSun
represents a weekday
Time = distinct TimeImpl
TimeInfo = object of RootObj
  second*: range[0 .. 61]        ## The number of seconds after the minute,
                      ## normally in the range 0 to 59, but can
                      ## be up to 61 to allow for leap seconds.
  minute*: range[0 .. 59]        ## The number of minutes after the hour,
                      ## in the range 0 to 59.
  hour*: range[0 .. 23]          ## The number of hours past midnight,
                    ## in the range 0 to 23.
  monthday*: range[1 .. 31]      ## The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.
  month*: Month                ## The current month.
  year*: int                   ## The current year.
  weekday*: WeekDay            ## The current day of the week.
  yearday*: range[0 .. 365]      ## The number of days since January 1,
                        ## in the range 0 to 365.
                        ## Always 0 if the target is JS.
  isDST*: bool                 ## Determines whether DST is in effect.
             ## Semantically, this adds another negative hour
             ## offset to the time in addition to the timezone.
  timezone*: int               ## The offset of the (non-DST) timezone in seconds
               ## west of UTC. Note that the sign of this number
               ## is the opposite of the one in a formatted
               ## timezone string like ``+01:00`` (which would be
               ## parsed into the timezone ``-3600``).
represents a time in different parts
TimeInterval = object
  milliseconds*: int           ## The number of milliseconds
  seconds*: int                ## The number of seconds
  minutes*: int                ## The number of minutes
  hours*: int                  ## The number of hours
  days*: int                   ## The number of days
  months*: int                 ## The number of months
  years*: int                  ## The number of years
a time interval


proc fromSeconds(since1970: int64): Time {.tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
Takes an int which contains the number of seconds since the unix epoch and returns a time object.
proc `<`(a, b: Time): bool {.gcsafe, extern: "ntLtTime", tags: [], raises: [], noSideEffect.}
returns true iff a < b, that is iff a happened before b.
proc `<=`(a, b: Time): bool {.gcsafe, extern: "ntLeTime", tags: [], raises: [], noSideEffect.}
returns true iff a <= b.
proc `==`(a, b: Time): bool {.gcsafe, extern: "ntEqTime", tags: [], raises: [], noSideEffect.}
returns true if a == b, that is if both times represent the same value
proc initInterval(milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years: int = 0): TimeInterval {.
    raises: [], tags: [].}

creates a new TimeInterval.

You can also use the convenience procedures called milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years.


let day = initInterval(hours=24)
let tomorrow = getTime() + day
proc `+`(ti1, ti2: TimeInterval): TimeInterval {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Adds two TimeInterval objects together.
proc `-`(ti: TimeInterval): TimeInterval {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Reverses a time interval .. code-block:: nim

let day = -initInterval(hours=24) echo day # -> (milliseconds: 0, seconds: 0, minutes: 0, hours: 0, days: -1, months: 0, years: 0)

proc `-`(ti1, ti2: TimeInterval): TimeInterval {.raises: [], tags: [].}

Subtracts TimeInterval ti1 from ti2.

Time components are compared one-by-one, see output:

let a = fromSeconds(1_000_000_000)
let b = fromSeconds(1_500_000_000)
echo b.toTimeInterval - a.toTimeInterval
# (milliseconds: 0, seconds: -40, minutes: -6, hours: 1, days: -2, months: -2, years: 16)
proc isLeapYear(year: int): bool {.raises: [], tags: [].}
returns true if year is a leap year
proc getDaysInMonth(month: Month; year: int): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the number of days in a month of a year
proc getDaysInYear(year: int): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Get the number of days in a year
proc `+`(a: TimeInfo; interval: TimeInterval): TimeInfo {.raises: [Exception],
    tags: [TimeEffect].}

adds interval time from TimeInfo a.

Note: This has been only briefly tested and it may not be very accurate.

proc `-`(a: TimeInfo; interval: TimeInterval): TimeInfo {.raises: [Exception],
    tags: [TimeEffect].}

subtracts interval time from TimeInfo a.

Note: This has been only briefly tested, it is inaccurate especially when you subtract so much that you reach the Julian calendar.

proc miliseconds(t: TimeInterval): int {.deprecated, raises: [], tags: [].}
proc miliseconds=(t: var TimeInterval; milliseconds: int) {.deprecated, raises: [],
    tags: [].}

An alias for a misspelled field in TimeInterval.

Warning: This should not be used! It will be removed in the next version.

proc getDateStr(): string {.gcsafe, extern: "nt$1", tags: [TimeEffect],
                         raises: [Exception].}
gets the current date as a string of the format YYYY-MM-DD.
proc getClockStr(): string {.gcsafe, extern: "nt$1", tags: [TimeEffect],
                          raises: [Exception].}
gets the current clock time as a string of the format HH:MM:SS.
proc `$`(day: WeekDay): string {.raises: [], tags: [].}
stingify operator for WeekDay.
proc `$`(m: Month): string {.raises: [], tags: [].}
stingify operator for Month.
proc milliseconds(ms: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of ms milliseconds

Note: not all time functions have millisecond resolution

proc seconds(s: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of s seconds

echo getTime() + 5.second

proc minutes(m: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of m minutes

echo getTime() + 5.minutes

proc hours(h: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of h hours

echo getTime() + 2.hours

proc days(d: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of d days

echo getTime() + 2.days

proc months(m: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of m months

echo getTime() + 2.months

proc years(y: int): TimeInterval {.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}

TimeInterval of y years

echo getTime() + 2.years

proc `+=`(t: var Time; ti: TimeInterval) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [TimeEffect].}
modifies t by adding the interval ti
proc `+`(t: Time; ti: TimeInterval): Time {.raises: [Exception], tags: [TimeEffect].}

adds the interval ti to Time t by converting to localTime, adding the interval, and converting back

echo getTime() + 1.day

proc `-=`(t: var Time; ti: TimeInterval) {.raises: [Exception], tags: [TimeEffect].}
modifies t by subtracting the interval ti
proc `-`(t: Time; ti: TimeInterval): Time {.raises: [Exception], tags: [TimeEffect].}

subtracts the interval ti from Time t

echo getTime() - 1.day

proc format(info: TimeInfo; f: string): string {.raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
This function formats info as specified by f. The following format specifiers are available:
Specifier Description Example
d Numeric value of the day of the month, it will be one or two digits long. 1/04/2012 -> 1, 21/04/2012 -> 21
dd Same as above, but always two digits. 1/04/2012 -> 01, 21/04/2012 -> 21
ddd Three letter string which indicates the day of the week. Saturday -> Sat, Monday -> Mon
dddd Full string for the day of the week. Saturday -> Saturday, Monday -> Monday
h The hours in one digit if possible. Ranging from 0-12. 5pm -> 5, 2am -> 2
hh The hours in two digits always. If the hour is one digit 0 is prepended. 5pm -> 05, 11am -> 11
H The hours in one digit if possible, randing from 0-24. 5pm -> 17, 2am -> 2
HH The hours in two digits always. 0 is prepended if the hour is one digit. 5pm -> 17, 2am -> 02
m The minutes in 1 digit if possible. 5:30 -> 30, 2:01 -> 1
mm Same as above but always 2 digits, 0 is prepended if the minute is one digit. 5:30 -> 30, 2:01 -> 01
M The month in one digit if possible. September -> 9, December -> 12
MM The month in two digits always. 0 is prepended. September -> 09, December -> 12
MMM Abbreviated three-letter form of the month. September -> Sep, December -> Dec
MMMM Full month string, properly capitalized. September -> September
s Seconds as one digit if possible. 00:00:06 -> 6
ss Same as above but always two digits. 0 is prepended. 00:00:06 -> 06
t A when time is in the AM. P when time is in the PM.
tt Same as above, but AM and PM instead of A and P respectively.
y(yyyy) This displays the year to different digits. You most likely only want 2 or 4 'y's
yy Displays the year to two digits. 2012 -> 12
yyyy Displays the year to four digits. 2012 -> 2012
z Displays the timezone offset from UTC. GMT+7 -> +7, GMT-5 -> -5
zz Same as above but with leading 0. GMT+7 -> +07, GMT-5 -> -05
zzz Same as above but with :mm where mm represents minutes. GMT+7 -> +07:00, GMT-5 -> -05:00

Other strings can be inserted by putting them in ''. For example hh'->'mm will give 01->56. The following characters can be inserted without quoting them: : - ( ) / [ ] ,. However you don't need to necessarily separate format specifiers, a unambiguous format string like yyyyMMddhhmmss is valid too.

proc `$`(timeInfo: TimeInfo): string {.tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
converts a TimeInfo object to a string representation. It uses the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-sszzz.
proc `$`(time: Time): string {.tags: [TimeEffect], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
converts a Time value to a string representation. It will use the local time zone and use the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH-mm-sszzz.
proc parse(value, layout: string): TimeInfo {.
    raises: [Exception, OverflowError, ValueError], tags: [TimeEffect].}
This function parses a date/time string using the standard format identifiers as listed below. The function defaults information not provided in the format string from the running program (timezone, month, year, etc). Daylight saving time is only set if no timezone is given and the given date lies within the DST period of the current locale.
Specifier Description Example
d Numeric value of the day of the month, it will be one or two digits long. 1/04/2012 -> 1, 21/04/2012 -> 21
dd Same as above, but always two digits. 1/04/2012 -> 01, 21/04/2012 -> 21
ddd Three letter string which indicates the day of the week. Saturday -> Sat, Monday -> Mon
dddd Full string for the day of the week. Saturday -> Saturday, Monday -> Monday
h The hours in one digit if possible. Ranging from 0-12. 5pm -> 5, 2am -> 2
hh The hours in two digits always. If the hour is one digit 0 is prepended. 5pm -> 05, 11am -> 11
H The hours in one digit if possible, randing from 0-24. 5pm -> 17, 2am -> 2
HH The hours in two digits always. 0 is prepended if the hour is one digit. 5pm -> 17, 2am -> 02
m The minutes in 1 digit if possible. 5:30 -> 30, 2:01 -> 1
mm Same as above but always 2 digits, 0 is prepended if the minute is one digit. 5:30 -> 30, 2:01 -> 01
M The month in one digit if possible. September -> 9, December -> 12
MM The month in two digits always. 0 is prepended. September -> 09, December -> 12
MMM Abbreviated three-letter form of the month. September -> Sep, December -> Dec
MMMM Full month string, properly capitalized. September -> September
s Seconds as one digit if possible. 00:00:06 -> 6
ss Same as above but always two digits. 0 is prepended. 00:00:06 -> 06
t A when time is in the AM. P when time is in the PM.
tt Same as above, but AM and PM instead of A and P respectively.
yy Displays the year to two digits. 2012 -> 12
yyyy Displays the year to four digits. 2012 -> 2012
z Displays the timezone offset from UTC. Z is parsed as +0 GMT+7 -> +7, GMT-5 -> -5
zz Same as above but with leading 0. GMT+7 -> +07, GMT-5 -> -05
zzz Same as above but with :mm where mm represents minutes. GMT+7 -> +07:00, GMT-5 -> -05:00

Other strings can be inserted by putting them in ''. For example hh'->'mm will give 01->56. The following characters can be inserted without quoting them: : - ( ) / [ ] ,. However you don't need to necessarily separate format specifiers, a unambiguous format string like yyyyMMddhhmmss is valid too.

proc countLeapYears(yearSpan: int): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}

Returns the number of leap years spanned by a given number of years.

Note: For leap years, start date is assumed to be 1 AD. counts the number of leap years up to January 1st of a given year. Keep in mind that if specified year is a leap year, the leap day has not happened before January 1st of that year.

proc countDays(yearSpan: int): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the number of days spanned by a given number of years.
proc countYears(daySpan: int): int {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the number of years spanned by a given number of days.
proc countYearsAndDays(daySpan: int): tuple[years: int, days: int] {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the number of years spanned by a given number of days and the remainder as days.
proc getDayOfWeek(day, month, year: int): WeekDay {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the day of the week enum from day, month and year.
proc getDayOfWeekJulian(day, month, year: int): WeekDay {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns the day of the week enum from day, month and year, according to the Julian calendar.
proc timeToTimeInfo(t: Time): TimeInfo {.deprecated, raises: [], tags: [].}

Converts a Time to TimeInfo.

Warning: This procedure is deprecated since version 0.14.0. Use getLocalTime or getGMTime instead.

proc timeToTimeInterval(t: Time): TimeInterval {.deprecated, raises: [],
    tags: [TimeEffect].}

Converts a Time to a TimeInterval.

Warning: This procedure is deprecated since version 0.14.0. Use toTimeInterval instead.

proc toTimeInterval(t: Time): TimeInterval {.raises: [], tags: [TimeEffect].}

Converts a Time to a TimeInterval.

To be used when diffing times.

let a = fromSeconds(1_000_000_000)
let b = fromSeconds(1_500_000_000)
echo a, " ", b  # real dates
echo a.toTimeInterval  # meaningless value, don't use it by itself
echo b.toTimeInterval - a.toTimeInterval
# (milliseconds: 0, seconds: -40, minutes: -6, hours: 1, days: -2, months: -2, years: 16)
proc `-`(a, b: Time): int64 {.gcsafe, extern: "ntDiffTime", tags: [], raises: [],
                         noSideEffect, gcsafe, locks: 0.}
computes the difference of two calendar times. Result is in seconds.
let a = fromSeconds(1_000_000_000)
let b = fromSeconds(1_500_000_000)
echo initInterval(seconds=int(b - a))
# (milliseconds: 0, seconds: 20, minutes: 53, hours: 0, days: 5787, months: 0, years: 0)
proc getStartMilsecs(): int {.deprecated, tags: [TimeEffect], gcsafe, locks: 0,
                           raises: [].}
get the milliseconds from the start of the program. Deprecated since version 0.8.10. Use epochTime or cpuTime instead.
proc getTime(): Time {.tags: [TimeEffect], gcsafe, locks: 0, raises: [].}
gets the current calendar time as a UNIX epoch value (number of seconds elapsed since 1970) with integer precission. Use epochTime for higher resolution.
proc getLocalTime(t: Time): TimeInfo {.tags: [TimeEffect], raises: [],
                                   gcsafe, locks: 0.}
converts the calendar time t to broken-time representation, expressed relative to the user's specified time zone.
proc getGMTime(t: Time): TimeInfo {.tags: [TimeEffect], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
converts the calendar time t to broken-down time representation, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
proc toTime(timeInfo: TimeInfo): Time {.tags: [TimeEffect], gcsafe, locks: 0, raises: [].}
converts a broken-down time structure to calendar time representation. The function ignores the specified contents of the structure members weekday and yearday and recomputes them from the other information in the broken-down time structure.
proc timeInfoToTime(timeInfo: TimeInfo): Time {.tags: [TimeEffect],
    gcsafe, locks: 0, deprecated, raises: [].}

converts a broken-down time structure to calendar time representation. The function ignores the specified contents of the structure members weekday and yearday and recomputes them from the other information in the broken-down time structure.

Warning: This procedure is deprecated since version 0.14.0. Use toTime instead.

proc unixTimeToWinTime(t: Time): int64 {.raises: [], tags: [].}
converts a UNIX Time (time_t) to a Windows file time
proc winTimeToUnixTime(t: int64): Time {.raises: [], tags: [].}
converts a Windows time to a UNIX Time (time_t)
proc getTimezone(): int {.tags: [TimeEffect], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
returns the offset of the local (non-DST) timezone in seconds west of UTC.
proc fromSeconds(since1970: float): Time {.tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
Takes a float which contains the number of seconds since the unix epoch and returns a time object.
proc toSeconds(time: Time): float {.tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe, locks: 0.}
Returns the time in seconds since the unix epoch.
proc epochTime(): float {.gcsafe, extern: "nt$1", tags: [TimeEffect], raises: [].}
gets time after the UNIX epoch (1970) in seconds. It is a float because sub-second resolution is likely to be supported (depending on the hardware/OS).
proc cpuTime(): float {.gcsafe, extern: "nt$1", tags: [TimeEffect], raises: [].}
gets time spent that the CPU spent to run the current process in seconds. This may be more useful for benchmarking than epochTime. However, it may measure the real time instead (depending on the OS). The value of the result has no meaning. To generate useful timing values, take the difference between the results of two cpuTime calls:
var t0 = cpuTime()
echo "CPU time [s] ", cpuTime() - t0

© 2006–2017 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.