
/OpenJDK 8

Interface Group

All Superinterfaces:
public interface Group
extends Principal

This interface is used to represent a group of principals. (A principal represents an entity such as an individual user or a company).

Note that Group extends Principal. Thus, either a Principal or a Group can be passed as an argument to methods containing a Principal parameter. For example, you can add either a Principal or a Group to a Group object by calling the object's addMember method, passing it the Principal or Group.



boolean addMember(Principal user)

Adds the specified member to the group.

user - the principal to add to this group.
true if the member was successfully added, false if the principal was already a member.


boolean removeMember(Principal user)

Removes the specified member from the group.

user - the principal to remove from this group.
true if the principal was removed, or false if the principal was not a member.


boolean isMember(Principal member)

Returns true if the passed principal is a member of the group. This method does a recursive search, so if a principal belongs to a group which is a member of this group, true is returned.

member - the principal whose membership is to be checked.
true if the principal is a member of this group, false otherwise.


Enumeration<? extends Principal> members()

Returns an enumeration of the members in the group. The returned objects can be instances of either Principal or Group (which is a subclass of Principal).

an enumeration of the group members.

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