
/OpenJDK 8

Class ErrorManager

public class ErrorManager
extends Object

ErrorManager objects can be attached to Handlers to process any error that occurs on a Handler during Logging.

When processing logging output, if a Handler encounters problems then rather than throwing an Exception back to the issuer of the logging call (who is unlikely to be interested) the Handler should call its associated ErrorManager.



public static final int GENERIC_FAILURE

GENERIC_FAILURE is used for failure that don't fit into one of the other categories.


public static final int WRITE_FAILURE

WRITE_FAILURE is used when a write to an output stream fails.


public static final int FLUSH_FAILURE

FLUSH_FAILURE is used when a flush to an output stream fails.


public static final int CLOSE_FAILURE

CLOSE_FAILURE is used when a close of an output stream fails.


public static final int OPEN_FAILURE

OPEN_FAILURE is used when an open of an output stream fails.


public static final int FORMAT_FAILURE

FORMAT_FAILURE is used when formatting fails for any reason.



public ErrorManager()



public void error(String msg,
                  Exception ex,
                  int code)

The error method is called when a Handler failure occurs.

This method may be overridden in subclasses. The default behavior in this base class is that the first call is reported to System.err, and subsequent calls are ignored.

msg - a descriptive string (may be null)
ex - an exception (may be null)
code - an error code defined in ErrorManager

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