
/OpenJDK 8 GUI

Interface SynthConstants

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SynthButtonUI, SynthCheckBoxMenuItemUI, SynthCheckBoxUI, SynthColorChooserUI, SynthComboBoxUI, SynthDesktopIconUI, SynthDesktopPaneUI, SynthEditorPaneUI, SynthFormattedTextFieldUI, SynthInternalFrameUI, SynthLabelUI, SynthListUI, SynthMenuBarUI, SynthMenuItemUI, SynthMenuUI, SynthOptionPaneUI, SynthPanelUI, SynthPasswordFieldUI, SynthPopupMenuUI, SynthProgressBarUI, SynthRadioButtonMenuItemUI, SynthRadioButtonUI, SynthRootPaneUI, SynthScrollBarUI, SynthScrollPaneUI, SynthSeparatorUI, SynthSliderUI, SynthSpinnerUI, SynthSplitPaneUI, SynthTabbedPaneUI, SynthTableHeaderUI, SynthTableUI, SynthTextAreaUI, SynthTextFieldUI, SynthTextPaneUI, SynthToggleButtonUI, SynthToolBarUI, SynthToolTipUI, SynthTreeUI, SynthViewportUI
public interface SynthConstants

Constants used by Synth. Not all Components support all states. A Component will at least be in one of the primary states. That is, the return value from SynthContext.getComponentState() will at least be one of ENABLED, MOUSE_OVER, PRESSED or DISABLED, and may also contain FOCUSED, SELECTED or DEFAULT.




static final int ENABLED

Primary state indicating the component is enabled.


static final int MOUSE_OVER

Primary state indicating the mouse is over the region.


static final int PRESSED

Primary state indicating the region is in a pressed state. Pressed does not necessarily mean the user has pressed the mouse button.


static final int DISABLED

Primary state indicating the region is not enabled.


static final int FOCUSED

Indicates the region has focus.


static final int SELECTED

Indicates the region is selected.


static final int DEFAULT

Indicates the region is the default. This is typically used for buttons to indicate this button is somehow special.

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