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Class RMISecurityManager


Use SecurityManager instead.

public class RMISecurityManager
extends SecurityManager

RMISecurityManager implements a policy identical to the policy implemented by SecurityManager. RMI applications should use the SecurityManager class or another appropriate SecurityManager implementation instead of this class. RMI's class loader will download classes from remote locations only if a security manager has been set.

Implementation Note:

Applets typically run in a container that already has a security manager, so there is generally no need for applets to set a security manager. If you have a standalone application, you might need to set a SecurityManager in order to enable class downloading. This can be done by adding the following to your code. (It needs to be executed before RMI can download code from remote hosts, so it most likely needs to appear in the main method of your application.)

if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());


Fields inherited from class java.lang.SecurityManager




public RMISecurityManager()


Constructs a new RMISecurityManager.



Methods inherited from class java.lang.SecurityManager

checkAccept, checkAccess, checkAccess, checkAwtEventQueueAccess, checkConnect, checkConnect, checkCreateClassLoader, checkDelete, checkExec, checkExit, checkLink, checkListen, checkMemberAccess, checkMulticast, checkMulticast, checkPackageAccess, checkPackageDefinition, checkPermission, checkPermission, checkPrintJobAccess, checkPropertiesAccess, checkPropertyAccess, checkRead, checkRead, checkRead, checkSecurityAccess, checkSetFactory, checkSystemClipboardAccess, checkTopLevelWindow, checkWrite, checkWrite, classDepth, classLoaderDepth, currentClassLoader, currentLoadedClass, getClassContext, getInCheck, getSecurityContext, getThreadGroup, inClass, inClassLoader

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

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