
/OpenJDK 8 Web

Interface URIDereferencer

public interface URIDereferencer

A dereferencer of URIReferences.

The result of dereferencing a URIReference is either an instance of OctetStreamData or NodeSetData. Unless the URIReference is a same-document reference as defined in section 4.2 of the W3C Recommendation for XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, the result of dereferencing the URIReference MUST be an OctetStreamData.

See Also:
XMLCryptoContext.setURIDereferencer(URIDereferencer), XMLCryptoContext.getURIDereferencer()



Data dereference(URIReference uriReference,
                 XMLCryptoContext context)
          throws URIReferenceException

Dereferences the specified URIReference and returns the dereferenced data.

uriReference - the URIReference
context - an XMLCryptoContext that may contain additional useful information for dereferencing the URI. This implementation should dereference the specified URIReference against the context's baseURI parameter, if specified.
the dereferenced data
NullPointerException - if uriReference or context are null
URIReferenceException - if an exception occurs while dereferencing the specified uriReference

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