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Class ContextList

public abstract class ContextList
extends Object

An object containing a modifiable list of String objects that represent property names. This class is used in Request operations to describe the contexts that need to be resolved and sent with the invocation. (A context is resolved by giving a property name and getting back the value associated with it.) This is done by calling the Context method get_values and supplying a string from a ContextList object as the third parameter. The method get_values returns an NVList object containing the NamedValue objects that hold the value(s) identified by the given string.

A ContextList object is created by the ORB, as illustrated here:

ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);
   org.omg.CORBA.ContextList ctxList = orb.create_context_list();
The variable ctxList represents an empty ContextList object. Strings are added to the list with the method add, accessed with the method item, and removed with the method remove.
See Also:



public ContextList()



public abstract int count()

Returns the number of String objects in this ContextList object.

an int representing the number of Strings in this ContextList object


public abstract void add(String ctx)

Adds a String object to this ContextList object.

ctx - the String object to be added


public abstract String item(int index)
                     throws Bounds

Returns the String object at the given index.

index - the index of the string desired, with 0 being the index of the first string
the string at the given index
Bounds - if the index is greater than or equal to the number of strings in this ContextList object


public abstract void remove(int index)
                     throws Bounds

Removes the String object at the given index. Note that the indices of all strings following the one removed are shifted down by one.

index - the index of the String object to be removed, with 0 designating the first string
Bounds - if the index is greater than or equal to the number of String objects in this ContextList object

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