Abstract class Phalcon\Db\Dialect
implements Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
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This is the base class to each database dialect. This implements common methods to transform intermediate code into its RDBMS related syntax
public registerCustomFunction (mixed $name, mixed $customFunction)
Registers custom SQL functions
public getCustomFunctions ()
Returns registered functions
final public escapeSchema (mixed $str, [mixed $escapeChar])
Escape Schema
final public escape (mixed $str, [mixed $escapeChar])
Escape identifiers
public limit (mixed $sqlQuery, mixed $number)
Generates the SQL for LIMIT clause
$sql = $dialect->limit("SELECT * FROM robots", 10);
echo $sql;
$sql = $dialect->limit("SELECT * FROM robots", [10, 50]);
echo $sql;
public forUpdate (mixed $sqlQuery)
Returns a SQL modified with a FOR UPDATE clause
$sql = $dialect->forUpdate("SELECT * FROM robots");
echo $sql;
public sharedLock (mixed $sqlQuery)
Returns a SQL modified with a LOCK IN SHARE MODE clause
$sql = $dialect->sharedLock("SELECT * FROM robots");
echo $sql;
final public getColumnList (array $columnList, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Gets a list of columns with escaped identifiers
echo $dialect->getColumnList(
final public getSqlColumn (mixed $column, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve Column expressions
public getSqlExpression (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Transforms an intermediate representation for an expression into a database system valid expression
final public getSqlTable (mixed $table, [mixed $escapeChar])
Transform an intermediate representation of a schema/table into a database system valid expression
public select (array $definition)
Builds a SELECT statement
public supportsSavepoints ()
Checks whether the platform supports savepoints
public supportsReleaseSavepoints ()
Checks whether the platform supports releasing savepoints.
public createSavepoint (mixed $name)
Generate SQL to create a new savepoint
public releaseSavepoint (mixed $name)
Generate SQL to release a savepoint
public rollbackSavepoint (mixed $name)
Generate SQL to rollback a savepoint
final protected getSqlExpressionScalar (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve Column expressions
final protected getSqlExpressionObject (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve object expressions
final protected getSqlExpressionQualified (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar])
Resolve qualified expressions
final protected getSqlExpressionBinaryOperations (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve binary operations expressions
final protected getSqlExpressionUnaryOperations (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve unary operations expressions
final protected getSqlExpressionFunctionCall (array $expression, mixed $escapeChar, [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve function calls
final protected getSqlExpressionList (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve Lists
final protected getSqlExpressionAll (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar])
Resolve *
final protected getSqlExpressionCastValue (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve CAST of values
final protected getSqlExpressionConvertValue (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve CONVERT of values encodings
final protected getSqlExpressionCase (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve CASE expressions
final protected getSqlExpressionFrom (mixed $expression, [mixed $escapeChar])
Resolve a FROM clause
final protected getSqlExpressionJoins (mixed $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve a JOINs clause
final protected getSqlExpressionWhere (mixed $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve a WHERE clause
final protected getSqlExpressionGroupBy (mixed $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve a GROUP BY clause
final protected getSqlExpressionHaving (array $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve a HAVING clause
final protected getSqlExpressionOrderBy (mixed $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve an ORDER BY clause
final protected getSqlExpressionLimit (mixed $expression, [mixed $escapeChar], [mixed $bindCounts])
Resolve a LIMIT clause
protected prepareColumnAlias (mixed $qualified, [mixed $alias], [mixed $escapeChar])
Prepares column for this RDBMS
protected prepareTable (mixed $table, [mixed $schema], [mixed $alias], [mixed $escapeChar])
Prepares table for this RDBMS
protected prepareQualified (mixed $column, [mixed $domain], [mixed $escapeChar])
Prepares qualified for this RDBMS
abstract public dropColumn (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName, mixed $columnName) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public dropIndex (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName, mixed $indexName) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public dropPrimaryKey (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public dropForeignKey (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName, mixed $referenceName) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public createTable (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName, array $definition) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public createView (mixed $viewName, array $definition, [mixed $schemaName]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public dropTable (mixed $tableName, mixed $schemaName) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public dropView (mixed $viewName, [mixed $schemaName], [mixed $ifExists]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public tableExists (mixed $tableName, [mixed $schemaName]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public viewExists (mixed $viewName, [mixed $schemaName]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public describeColumns (mixed $table, [mixed $schema]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public listTables ([mixed $schemaName]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public describeIndexes (mixed $table, [mixed $schema]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public describeReferences (mixed $table, [mixed $schema]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface
abstract public tableOptions (mixed $table, [mixed $schema]) inherited from Phalcon\Db\DialectInterface