
/OpenJDK 8 GUI

Class NimbusStyle

public final class NimbusStyle
extends SynthStyle

A SynthStyle implementation used by Nimbus. Each Region that has been registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel will have an associated NimbusStyle. Third party components that are registered with the NimbusLookAndFeel will therefore be handed a NimbusStyle from the look and feel from the #getStyle(JComponent, Region) method.

This class properly reads and retrieves values placed in the UIDefaults according to the standard Nimbus naming conventions. It will create and retrieve painters, fonts, colors, and other data stored there.

NimbusStyle also supports the ability to override settings on a per component basis. NimbusStyle checks the component's client property map for "Nimbus.Overrides". If the value associated with this key is an instance of UIDefaults, then the values in that defaults table will override the standard Nimbus defaults in UIManager, but for that component instance only.

Optionally, you may specify the client property "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults". If true, this client property indicates that the defaults located in UIManager should first be read, and then replaced with defaults located in the component client properties. If false, then only the defaults located in the component client property map will be used. If not specified, it is assumed to be true.

You must specify "Nimbus.Overrides" for "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults" to have any effect. "Nimbus.Overrides" indicates whether there are any overrides, while "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults" indicates whether those overrides should first be initialized with the defaults from UIManager.

The NimbusStyle is reloaded whenever a property change event is fired for a component for "Nimbus.Overrides" or "Nimbus.Overrides.InheritDefaults". So for example, setting a new UIDefaults on a component would cause the style to be reloaded.

The values are only read out of UIManager once, and then cached. If you need to read the values again (for example, if the UI is being reloaded), then discard this NimbusStyle and read a new one from NimbusLookAndFeel using NimbusLookAndFeel.getStyle.

The primary API of interest in this class for 3rd party component authors are the three methods which retrieve painters: #getBackgroundPainter, #getForegroundPainter, and #getBorderPainter.

NimbusStyle allows you to specify custom states, or modify the order of states. Synth (and thus Nimbus) has the concept of a "state". For example, a JButton might be in the "MOUSE_OVER" state, or the "ENABLED" state, or the "DISABLED" state. These are all "standard" states which are defined in synth, and which apply to all synth Regions.

Sometimes, however, you need to have a custom state. For example, you want JButton to render differently if it's parent is a JToolbar. In Nimbus, you specify these custom states by including a special key in UIDefaults. The following UIDefaults entries define three states for this button:

JButton.States = Enabled, Disabled, Toolbar
     JButton[Enabled].backgroundPainter = somePainter
     JButton[Disabled].background = BLUE
     JButton[Toolbar].backgroundPainter = someOtherPaint

As you can see, the JButton.States entry lists the states that the JButton style will support. You then specify the settings for each state. If you do not specify the JButton.States entry, then the standard Synth states will be assumed. If you specify the entry but the list of states is empty or null, then the standard synth states will be assumed.



public static final String LARGE_KEY


public static final String SMALL_KEY


public static final String MINI_KEY


public static final double LARGE_SCALE


public static final double SMALL_SCALE


public static final double MINI_SCALE



public void installDefaults(SynthContext ctx)

Installs the necessary state from this Style on the JComponent from context. Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from UIDefaults, if necessary.

installDefaults in class SynthStyle
ctx - SynthContext identifying component to install properties to.


public Insets getInsets(SynthContext ctx,
                        Insets in)

Returns the Insets that are used to calculate sizing information. Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from UIDefaults, if necessary.

getInsets in class SynthStyle
ctx - SynthContext identifying requester
in - Insets to place return value in.
Sizing Insets.


protected Color getColorForState(SynthContext ctx,
                                 ColorType type)

Returns the color for the specified state. This should NOT call any methods on the JComponent.

Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from UIDefaults, if necessary.

In addition, NimbusStyle handles ColorTypes slightly differently from Synth.

  • ColorType.BACKGROUND will equate to the color stored in UIDefaults named "background".
  • ColorType.TEXT_BACKGROUND will equate to the color stored in UIDefaults named "textBackground".
  • ColorType.FOREGROUND will equate to the color stored in UIDefaults named "textForeground".
  • ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND will equate to the color stored in UIDefaults named "textForeground".
Specified by:
getColorForState in class SynthStyle
ctx - SynthContext identifying requester
type - Type of color being requested.
Color to render with


protected Font getFontForState(SynthContext ctx)

Returns the font for the specified state. This should NOT call any method on the JComponent. Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from UIDefaults, if necessary. If a value named "font" is not found in UIDefaults, then the "defaultFont" font in UIDefaults will be returned instead.

Specified by:
getFontForState in class SynthStyle
ctx - SynthContext identifying requester
Font to render with


public SynthPainter getPainter(SynthContext ctx)

Returns the SynthPainter that will be used for painting. This may return null. Returns the SynthPainter for this style, which ends up delegating to the Painters installed in this style.

getPainter in class SynthStyle
ctx - SynthContext identifying requester
SynthPainter to use


public boolean isOpaque(SynthContext ctx)

Returns true if the region is opaque. Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from UIDefaults, if necessary. If opacity is not specified in UI defaults, then it defaults to being non-opaque.

isOpaque in class SynthStyle
ctx - SynthContext identifying requester
true if region is opaque.


public Object get(SynthContext ctx,
                  Object key)

Getter for a region specific style property.

Overridden to cause this style to populate itself with data from UIDefaults, if necessary.

Properties in UIDefaults may be specified in a chained manner. For example:


In this example, suppose you were in the Enabled+Selected state and searched for "foreground". In this case, we first check for Button.Enabled+Selected.foreground, but no such color exists. We then fall back to the next valid state, in this case, Button.Enabled.foreground, and have a match. So we return it.

Again, if we were in the state Enabled and looked for "background", we wouldn't find it in Button.Enabled, or in Button, but would at the top level in UIManager. So we return that value.

One special note: the "key" passed to this method could be of the form "background" or "Button.background" where "Button" equals the prefix passed to the NimbusStyle constructor. In either case, it looks for "background".

get in class SynthStyle
ctx -
key - must not be null
Value of the named property


public Painter getBackgroundPainter(SynthContext ctx)

Gets the appropriate background Painter, if there is one, for the state specified in the given SynthContext. This method does appropriate fallback searching, as described in #get.

ctx - The SynthContext. Must not be null.
The background painter associated for the given state, or null if none could be found.


public Painter getForegroundPainter(SynthContext ctx)

Gets the appropriate foreground Painter, if there is one, for the state specified in the given SynthContext. This method does appropriate fallback searching, as described in #get.

ctx - The SynthContext. Must not be null.
The foreground painter associated for the given state, or null if none could be found.


public Painter getBorderPainter(SynthContext ctx)

Gets the appropriate border Painter, if there is one, for the state specified in the given SynthContext. This method does appropriate fallback searching, as described in #get.

ctx - The SynthContext. Must not be null.
The border painter associated for the given state, or null if none could be found.

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